Osiiby-otyanno (Good Afternoon/Evening)
I would like to share a very interesting piece of classic literature. The following excerpt comes from the preface of Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, published in 1852. I have not finished the novel yet, but I think the preface alone exemplifies a peculiar view of Africa and it's former/current inhabitants which is far from outdated.
"Unhappy Africa is at last remembered; Africa, who began the race of civilization and human progress in the dim, gray dawn of early time, but who, for centuries, has lain bound and bleeding at the foot of civilized and Christianized humanity, imploring compassion in vain.
But the heart of the dominant race, who have been her conquerors, her hard masters, has at length been turned towards her in mercy; and it has been seen how far nobler it is in nations to protect the feeble than to oppress them. Thanks be to God, the world has at length outlived the slave-trade!
When an enlightened and Christianized community shall have, on the shores of Africa, laws, language, and literature, drawn from among us, may then the scenes from the house of bondage be to them like the remembrance of Egypt to the Israelite,—a motive of thankfulness to Him who hath redeemed them!"
Stowe's novel was and still is incredibly controversial. From my limited understanding, (as I have yet to finish the novel), Uncle Tom's Cabin was initially controversial because of its condemnation of slavery. Today, it is criticized for its characterization of American slaves or African Americans as poor, piteous, and helpless children. It is hard for the progressive not to criticize such a view in this day-in-age...or is it?
What I find of particular interest for this blog is Stowe’s view of the African homeland, “bound and bleeding at the foot of civilized and Christianized humanity, imploring compassion in vain.” I cannot help but draw parallels to today’s view of Africa: a continent drenched in poverty, disease, corruption, and genocide. The ills of Africa are deeply engrained in the west’s guilty conscience. We live in such abundance, such perfect democracy, is it not the ‘White Man’s Burden’ to set things right? After all, we did start this whole corruption and repression thing in that part of the world.
It is this perspective, set forth by Harriet Beecher Stowe, which prevails in the modern view of Africa and I think is hauntingly similar to the current, white perspective of blacks in America. And this is what I am so endlessly fascinated by: the self-aggrandizing portrait of the white savior come to save the Africans from themselves both across the globe and in the inner-cities of America. How is this perpetuated in Western/American society? How is the received by African society? How is this perpetuated in African society?
Of course each one of these questions holds hundreds of approaches and millions of perspectives. But hey, that’s what grad-school is for, right?
Stay tuned for more.

Kipling's White Man amidst his burden? (A little harsh, perhaps, but you get the idea)
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